A Special Announcement from Cayce


I am thrilled to announce the first of two new training tracks unique to ONE. 

ONE is launching the Connection Prayer Training, Coaching, & Certification Track.

Learn to lead people intuitively through Connection Prayer, learn to coach people in integrating connection prayer into their everyday lives, and get certified as a Connection Prayer Facilitator and/or Coach.

How and when have you been impacted by Connection Prayer? During a prayer house appointment? Through practical prayer training? Online? Through 49 Days of Hearing God? At a worship gathering? Pieces of connection prayer have been sprinkled throughout everything we do at ONE. 

Often we are asked if we train teams and individuals in connection prayer. The answer has been, “Yes, in the past we have offered basic training.” All the while, we were dreaming about a more robust program.

Ten years ago Sonia and John Roper led a prayer training that I attended about trauma healing. We connected immediately around different inner healing prayer trainings we had experienced, and they invited me to help get people to their next training. I was all in to learn from them and support their training of what turned out to be an overwhelming number of people who came through word-of-mouth invitations. Over 60 people experienced the training, and it allowed us to launch an inner healing ministry in the church where we were gathering. 

Sonia, John, and I continued to work with those who felt led to help people connect and heal through prayer. As we built a team for the church, we couldn’t help but notice that, because each of us had such different backgrounds, we each brought the best of what we learned to the process of training our team. What worked best in prayer times was not what we had been taught, but a combination of the best of everything we had been taught. 

One afternoon as we realized we were doing something quite different and effective, I remember Sonia saying “What do we call it!?”

It was a good question, and the best word we could use to describe it was connection.

This type of prayer brought healing, yes, but it wasn’t always about healing. This type of prayer could meet people in their place of pain or trauma, but it wasn’t focused on trauma. This type of prayer was 100% about helping people connect with God easily and immediately. 

Connection was the heartbeat of any time that our team spent praying with people. 

Three years later, God whispered to me, “Cayce, stop everything you are doing—step down.” I knew this to be God’s loving, gentle direction, but I did not know why—I thought my days of working with Sonia in inner healing were over. Little did I know, they had just begun. On the day I stepped down fully from my commitments, Jack Sheffield called me about working with him at ONE, which was then called Christ Healing Center. 

Jack and I shared a common passion for helping people experience Jesus themselves in life-changing ways, and Jack gave me 100% support in bringing together a team that could implement Connection Prayer at CHC. Because we had not formalized Connection Prayer as a thing, implementing it into the Prayer House was an important journey of figuring out what our best practices truly were for a connection ministry. 

A year later, Sonia Roper joined our staff team that already included Rosalind Hervey at CHC/ONE, and for the past six years we have been refining what exactly Connection Prayer is. Zach Leal, trained first as a coach and then as a connection prayer facilitator, joined us in 2020, bringing another unique and important background to our team. 

Together we have asked: How do we make this approachable and replicable? How do we help people use the tools they learn inside our building outside in their day-to-day life? What is essential? What is not? How do teams work best together? What are the applications of Connection Prayer that can happen in less time than a two-hour prayer appointment? How can coaching augment the impact of connection prayer? 

Connection prayer has come together over time and has been shaped by so many hearts and hands. It is what I consider to be the best of the best for anyone who wants more from their prayer life and wants to help other people truly connect with God anytime and anyplace. 

What has evolved is truly unique to our team at ONE. 

Now we want to share it with you in a way that can be replicated far beyond the walls of the prayer house. 

Our team at ONE is ready to teach personal proficiency in Connection Prayer Facilitation through our basic training. We are also pleased to offer two certifications: Connection Prayer Facilitator Certification and Connection Prayer Coaching Certification. 

Certification is for those looking to replicate connection prayer within their own church, group, or business, or for those looking to have a solid faith-based coaching program that helps people live daily from connection to God. To learn more or register for a training, click the button below.

Cayce Harris