Dancing with God


I attended an event recently in Karnes County sponsored by the Karnes County Healing Hearts Center. It was a community-wide event that featured Todd Pierce of Riding High Ministries. Todd’s great gift to us was breaking a horse IN AN HOUR, all the while sharing the Gospel and his experience of it. The parallels between the Gospel and Todd’s demonstration of love and skill with that horse are too numerous for me to include here, but, at one point, he said something that stuck with me. He said of the horse, who barely paid him any attention in the beginning, “She doesn’t know yet how we’re supposed to dance together.” That statement has been working on me ever since. 

I guess I don’t really think of God “dancing” with me. Todd was pretty focused on helping that horse “dance” with him. He met that horse where she was and led her with affection and respect to a place she couldn’t even imagine. And that made me think of how God focuses on each of us to try and help us “dance” with Him. I also realized I don’t think about God focusing on me that way. If anything, it’s more like I am focusing on trying to focus on Him, putting the attention on my effort rather than on God’s winsome, wooing ways. 

One understanding of that “dance” we do with God is the realization of the potential God created each of us with. We are made for a purpose that cannot be realized by ourselves alone. God made us to do life together with Him and each other. It’s an interactive expression of our true selves.

Take a minute to talk this over with Jesus. Ask Him to help you experience His attention, His focus on you. Notice how that feels; jot it down. What pictures or thoughts come to mind? Ask Jesus, “What’s the music playing in this season of my life?” Ask Him what dancing through this season with Him would look like. Record your thoughts and share them with a trusted friend. Sharing blesses others and builds a sense of closeness that is part of that “dance.”

And oh, by the way, remember I said the horse paid Todd scant attention when the event began. The most amazing thing to me was, by the end, she never took her eyes off him.

Rosalind Hervey