The Unlocking


“Come out of hiding you’re safe with me⁠ There’s no need to cover what I already see⁠ You’ve got your reasons but I hold your peace⁠ You’ve been on lockdown and I hold the key”⁠ -Steffany Gretzinger⁠ ⁠

Being home “on lockdown” has forced me into a place of self-awareness that I had kept myself too busy to enter into before. Stripped of the ability to overly fill my calendar or run an extra errand, I’ve realized that many of my commitments or spontaneous outings were driven by a subconscious desire to change the way I was feeling, masking the inner voice of my heart that was saying “Hey, we’ve got something going on in here!” ⁠ ⁠ This physical lockdown has exposed a lockdown in my soul.⁠ ⁠

It’s uncomfortable. It’s challenging. Sometimes it may even feel downright painful. But choosing to look at an area of my life God has His finger on and inviting Him into that place will only result in healing, restoration and growth as I continue on this journey towards living from a place of wholeness.⁠ ⁠ Have you felt like God is highlighting an area of your life that He’s wanting to heal, redeem or unlock?

I encourage you to ask Him! Whatever He shows you, I’m praying that you can see His hand outstretched ready to grasp yours, feel the kindness in His eyes, and sense courage rise up within you as you also embark on your own journey to increasing wholeness.⁠ ⁠ Please follow the link below to listen to the song “Out of Hiding” by Steffany Gretzinger. You can find it located at the bottom of this email under todays worship recommendation.⁠ ⁠

– Erica Leal