Getting the Last Word


By now you’re familiar with the lists. All the cancellations and postponements. School…Weddings…Funerals...Graduation…Proms…Fiesta…Sports…Travel…Nursing home visits. Along with routines and normalcy.

And, last but not least, buying toilet paper on a whim.

These changes and disappointments do not have the last word.

Because you know what is not cancelled, postponed or quarantined?


God says, “I have good plans for you —they are plans for a future and a hope!” And yes, that verse which was written thousands of years ago stands Firm and True Today in 2020.)

He does not change and neither does His character or His Promises.God says He will restore what is lost.
God says there is always hope.

God says we must not carry on like people who have nothing to look forward to.We have His Word on these things.

Therefore, we will look forward to the days ahead with HOPE. We will get through this. 

This is not the end. These days will not last. And we’re gonna to be ok. Because only God gets the last word.
God, thank You for Your constant Presence, Provision & Protection over each of us. We look forward with HOPE to the other side of these days. Thank You for reminding us that we do not “quarantine” like those without hope.”

~Debbi Chesney                                                                                                             

Community Chaplain