
I’m a rule follower. Have been for as long as I can remember. I am an oldest child and understand that this is a standard, identifying characteristic according to birth order (see also: responsible, perfectionist, worrier, and surrogate parent to my younger siblings, who would probably refer to it as bossy). As adults, my siblings and I are quick to point out behavior indicative of the youngest, middle or oldest child when we reflect on some of our favorite childhood memories together. I wonder what our family memories will be from this time of social distancing, self-quarantine, and online education? This experience has been unsettling for every member of the family and we each feel it in our individual roles. 

Our twin boys are our "firstborn" and only children, yet one adamantly claims first-born status (by two minutes). The upheaval of the outbreak has brought discussion on a variety of "what-ifs" surrounding such topics as seeing friends, summer camp, and travel. They try their best to not let doubt cloud their optimism. 

My husband is a "youngest" who, despite always being up for an adventure, finds himself craving a bit of normalcy as he implements rapidly changing business models to protect our businesses and our employee family. 

Togetherness is foremost on my mind, as it’s the constant these days. I am grateful for this gift of time and the slower pace which gives us a chance to connect in ways we are not usually able to this time of year. However, living, working and eating three meals each day together, 24/7, magnifies our most obvious uncertainties. I’m often unsettled. Consequently, I am distracted, which makes way for doubt to creep in, followed by eventual discouragement.   

How can we overcome this unsettled feeling, or at least keep it at bay?  There is only one answer: Jesus. Claim the truth that is only found in him. It is through our identity as children of the one, true king that we are victorious over these earthly times, situations and circumstances.  

He came before us. 

For He is the firstborn over all of creation (Colossians 1:15).  He is given full authority over all things created through him and for him.

He chose us. 

We are all his firstborn, created in His image (Genesis 1:27).  We are his masterpiece, created to do good works which God prepared ahead of time to be our way of life. (Ephesians 2:10) 

He goes ahead of us. 

Here on earth, we will have many trials and sorrows, but take heart, because Jesus has overcome the world (John 16:33). 

He, alone, is reason enough for us to relinquish our world-appointed, birth order labels and needs so that we may receive all He has promised. Because of His role as Savior, we can all be settled.

~Brooke Peacock