The Mystery of Multiplication


Breadmaking has become a popular pastime during this quarantine season, so much so that it is nearly impossible to find yeast or flour on grocery store shelves. I jumped on this bandwagon a bit late, but through social media and helpful local bakers I was given all the ingredients necessary to start making my own bread.

I wasn't really sure why I wanted to try my hand at it again after so many years. I love to cook and bake and share what I make, and now I have the time, so maybe that is reason enough. A few simple ingredients combined together multiply into something so delicious and satisfying. Full disclosure: in this process I have also produced a few flops, but at least the birds got a meal! 

Making this staple food has reminded me why Jesus called Himself "the bread of life" -  connecting a deep spiritual reality to something so basic and yet so nourishing and life-giving.

In Jesus' hands, 3 loaves of bread and 5 fish became dinner for over 5,000 people. The day after that miracle of multiplication, the people followed Him looking for another meal. Jesus had compassion on them, but He didn't feed them again. He wanted to connect their hearts to a deeper spiritual truth about Himself, but many didn’t quite get it. Scripture says that the disciples' hearts were dull and hardened to what He was teaching them through this miracle. Even those closest to Him missed it! 

Thankfully, in Jesus' eyes our dullness and our flops are not fatal. He is patient and kind and not willing that anyone would miss what He is offering. He is committed to His covenant and so He continues to teach us.  

On the night that He was betrayed, celebrating the Passover with His disciples, Jesus took elements of that remembrance meal and essentially told them, "With this one piece of bread (My body) and this one cup of wine (My blood) I will feed the whole world. You do not need to worry about where your next meal is coming from. Because I am the God who multiplies. I am the God of the one but I am also the God of the multitude. I am the God who loves the whole world and willingly gives My life for it. I am the bread of life and there is more than enough."

And then, after His resurrection, Jesus shows up on the beach to serve bread and fish to the disciples once again. This time they see and understand. With the little they have He invites them into this mystery of multiplication: Follow Me. And feed My sheep.

The invitation still stands.

Come and eat.

Go and feed.

~Debby Boggs