Reflections from our first ONE Day


Those who sow in tears shall harvest with joyful shouting. One who goes here and there weeping, carrying his bag of seed, Shall indeed come again with a shout of joy, bringing his sheaves with him. Psalm 126:5-6

I know it. You know it. We all know it. It’s been a tough season. We know it so well that maybe we don’t even want to go there in conversation anymore. Yet, at the end of the first ONE Day reset, I was struck by how many people mentioned the value of an intentional space to process what we all know and are tired of talking about. Tired of mentioning, yes. But actually processing in a powerful way with God together? That was new and important for each one of us.

Going through a process of hearing God—a reset on purpose—was profoundly helpful. I needed it! Here are a few things that stood out to me. 

God reminded me of some instances I had completely forgotten about. I could feel God’s compassion and His invitation for me to join Him in having compassion on myself and others. As I asked God how He felt about the past two years, I had the picture of a beating heart torn. My sense of it was that God truly hurt when we hurt and was sad for all the pain so many experienced. 

Jesus continued to remind me of certain things I had forgotten: He brought to mind times when we invested using the picture of sowing seeds—seed invested into people, finances, businesses, and local initiatives. Though I had forgotten, God had not. 

When I asked Jesus about how He summarized my story of the past two years, He said, “Laid bare.” Yes, that resonated. I did feel quite bare and vulnerable. Then came the second part of God’s whisper: “and free.” God was right. Surprisingly, this “laid bare” state didn’t cause me to want to run for cover. 

I feel a profound gratitude for this new space in my life: showing up as me without apology, laid bare, and free. 

Two arrows also came to mind. One large skinny arrow pointed downward, representing a sudden downturn. The next arrow was similar but pointed straight up. God showed me that while many things felt the disruption of plummeting downward, many intentional seeds were planted that will shoot upward and grow. Both have been happening at the same time—falling like an anchor and shooting up like a rocket. 

From the eyes of Heaven and the path of God’s redemption, beauty is found in both the sinking and the rising, as well as in their unique connection to one another. 

If you can join us for a future ONE Day, I look forward to being with you! 

For those who cannot be in person but want to take a minute now to process, ask Jesus these questions: 

Jesus, what in my life sunk like it was attached to an anchor in the ocean during the past two years? 

Jesus, what do You know about those things that I don’t know? 

Jesus, what shot up or is shooting up like a rocket? 

Jesus, what do You know that I don’t know about those things? 

Jesus, what is my heart truly glad about? 

Jesus, what is my heart truly sad about? 

Jesus, how do I let go of trying to control, predict, or protect myself from pain? 

Jesus, how do I care for myself and my family now? 

Jesus, how do I hold on to the things You are currently placing in my hands? 

Cayce Harris